
文頭のAnd / But について

(1)          I went to see Mike. But he wasn't there.


(2)     a. I went to see Mike, but he wasn't there. 

    b. I went to see Mike. However, he wasn't there.

と書き換えねばならないと主張する。彼らの主張は、どうやらand, butといった「等位接続詞」(coordinate conjunction)は、主語と動詞が2組ある「重文」(compound sentence)(2.a)で用いるもので、1組しかない「単文」(simple sentence)(1)では使えないということのようである。



(3)     a. I went to see Mike, but he wasn't there.

    b. I went to see Mike. But he wasn't there.

    c. I went to see Mike. However, he wasn't there.




(4)     書き言葉でbutを文頭に用いるのは間違いではないが避けた方がよいとされる。

 確かに「文語体」(literary style)においてbutのような軽い語を用いるのは、特に格調の高さが求められる学術論文などでは、出来得れば避けられるべきものなのであろうとは推察され得るけれども、一般的な「書き言葉の英語」(written English)までもbutが使えないなどと言うのは言い過ぎである。

(5)     文頭にbutを使うことはすぐれた作家にも見出されるが、抵抗を感じる人もいる。―『現代英米語用法事典』(研究社)


(6)     Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.T.S.Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent


(7)     Fatigue is of many sorts, some of which are a much graver obstacle to happiness than others. Purely physical fatigue, provided it is not excessive, tends if anything to be a cause of happiness; it leads to sound sleep and a good appetite, and gives zest to the pleasures that are possible on holidays. But when it is excessive it becomes a very grave evil.Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness


(8)     If this book dealt with a South Asian or Middle Eastern people, it might well have started with a consideration of religion. Even for most Western nations, religion would have required earlier and fuller treatment. But religion occupies a more peripheral position in Japan. Edwin O. Reischauer, The Japanese



(9)     A traditional grammatical rule asserts that sentences beginning with and or but express "incomplete thoughts" and are therefore incorrect. But this stricture has been ignored by writers from Shakespeare to Joyce Carol Oates, and most of the Usage Panel sees wisdom in this attitude. In our 1988 survey, when asked whether they paid attention to the rule in their own writing, 24 percent answered "always or usually," 36 percent answered "sometimes," and 40 percent answered "rarely or never." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English language



(10) But may be used to begin a sentence at all levels of style. ibid


(11) And beginning a sentence. That it is a solecism to beginning a sentence with and is a faintly lingering SUPERSTION. The OED gives examples ranging from the 10th to the 19th c; the Bible is full of them. Fowler’s Modern English Usage 


(12) You use and at the beginning of a sentence to introduce something else that you want to add to what you have just said. Some people think that starting a sentence with and is ungrammatical, but it is now quite common in both spoken and written English. English Cobuild Dictionary


 しかし、事態はもっと進んでいる。1970年代に米国でPlain English(平易な英語)を推奨する運動が起こり現在もその流れにある。

(13)    Perhaps we can all agree that beginning a sentence with but isn't wrong, slipshod, loose, or the like. But is it less formal? I don't think so. In fact, the question doesn’t even reside on the plane of formality. The question I'd pose is, What is the best word to do the job? William Zinsser says, quite rightly, that but is the best word to introduce a contrastOn Writing Well. I invariably change however, when positioned at the beginning of a sentence, to but. Professional editors such as John Trimble regularly do the same thingWriting with Style. Bryan A. Garner, On Beginning Sentences with But, Michigan Bar Journal, October 2013




(14)     Bury it between commas, or replace it with but or nevertheless.

Poor However, the day had not been entirely lost.

 But the day had not been entirely lost.
   Poor However, the script that Alcuin invented became the forerunner of modern

 The script that Alcuin invented, however, became the forerunner of
          modern handwriting.
                         - Sheridan Baker, The Complete Stylist

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